SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator:
Miss T Warbrick
[email protected]

Special Educational Needs Consultant and Specialist Teacher:
Mrs C Woodcock
[email protected]

If you wish to discuss your child’s needs or provision, please call the school office to make an appointment with our SENDCo.

SEND Governor:
Mrs S Penman

Provision at Spring Hill

While we believe that intervention and support are needed for children we also strongly believe that we need to provide a universal approach for as many children as possible.

Universal Support

This diagram shows that if we have universal support for more pupils (as shown in the circle on the right)   then we will have targeted a larger proportion of the children in school.


Targeted Support and Specialist Teacher Support

Speech and Language Therapy 

At Spring Hill CP School we are assisted by NHS Speech and Language Therapists that assess and then provide support plans for some of our children in school.  These support plans are then delivered in school by teachers and teaching assistants as either an extra intervention or to scaffold pupils learning during whole class lessons.

Literacy and Numeracy Interventions

Toe by Toe
Toe by Toe is a highly structured phonics-based reading manual to help anyone who finds reading difficult. It requires only 20 minutes of coaching a day and you'll see immediate improvements in your child's reading confidence.

IDL Cloud

IDL Literacy (Indirect Dyslexia Learning) is a cloud based intervention software that has been specifically designed for pupils with dyslexia and dyslexic type tendencies.  IDL cloud has also reported a significant improvement in the literacy skills of pupils with Meares Irlen Syndrome, autism, amongst EAL learners and those who are struggling with Literacy in general. IDL is easy to use for pupils and teachers, provides structured sequential learning with a multi-sensory approach, and encourages pupils to become independent learners.

IDL Cloud is used across the school from KS1 to KS2 to boost levels of literacy.  Some children are beginning to use this at home which is proving successful.  If a pupil accesses IDL Cloud 2 hours a week for 3 months on average a pupil will make 10 months progression in their spelling and reading.  

POP (Pupil Overview of Provision)

Children who are on the SEND register will receive a POP.  A POP is a working documented that shows the provision and their progress towards targets that have been set by either the teacher, SENCO, specialist teachers, Educational Psychologist or targets in the EHCP(Educational Health and Care Plan).

Children who have educational needs that need reasonable adjustable may also receive a Pupil Passport which describes to staff the best practice when supporting individuals.

Children Operating in P Scales and significantly well below 

It needs to be remembered that children learn at different rates and speed and that this varies at different times in their lives. Children who are operating significantly well below will be assessed and tracked against local and national expectations using PIVATs.

For children who are operating significantly below and on P Scales every effort is made for pupils to remain in class and work alongside their peers.  

Although it is often needed for some children who are operating well below to have access to different types of curriculum compared to their peers and this may mean they will be working on a one to one or in small groups outside their classroom.

Curriculum and Learning

Support for teachers

The class teacher is responsible for every child in class and will differentiate the work for children who are working below age related expectations.  The class teacher will be supported by the SENCo and specialist teachers when necessary to provide a curriculum that meets the needs of all the children at Spring Hill CP School.

English as an Additional Language EAL

At Spring Hill CP school we recognize and admire families who have moved to another country and are taking on the challenge of learning a new language.  For most of our learners EAL is a significant factor in the progress of the pupils at Spring Hill CP School. We do not view English as an additional language as a special educational need.

Racing to English  

Racing to English is a structured program that class teachers will use.  The Racing to English resources help learners new to English to learn words and phrases that are needed in school and family life.  EAL children will receive additional support when needed depending on their need. The organized interaction activities can be used for all children and promote discussion and subject language that is needed to make progress against the national curriculum.

The Local Offer

The Local Offer sets out at the ‘local authority level’ what the Local Authority expects to be available in every school.

Family Information Network Directory (FIND)

The FIND database includes information about disabled children and young people up to 25 years old in Lancashire.

Family Information Network Directory (FIND) newsletter – Lancashire County Council

Family Information Network Directory (FIND) newsletter. If you would like to receive a free copy of FIND by post or email 4 times a year, please sign up to the FIND database.

Complaints for parents of children with Special Educational Needs:

The complaint procedure for special educational needs mirrors the school’s other complaints procedures. Should a parent or carer have a concern about the special provision made for their child they should in the first instance discuss this with the class teacher.

If the matter is not resolved satisfactorily parents have recourse to the following:

Discuss the problem with the SENDCO
Discuss the problem with the Headteacher
More serious on-going concerns should be presented in writing to the SEND Governor, who will inform the Chair of the Governors

Should you wish to make an appointment with any of the above, please contact the school office on 01254 399009 or [email protected]

The complaints procedure can be found on the school website in our Policy section.
If the complaint regards a Statutory Assessment of a child’s needs, the complaint should be forwarded to the Local Authority.

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