
School admission arrangements comprise of a policy document which includes how to apply for the school and the criteria applied should the school be oversubscribed.  They also include the school's admission number. 

The admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools and sixth forms are proposed and determined by Lancashire County Council as the admissions authority.

Click here to access Lancashire County Council's website for School Applications

For information about the appeals process please follow the link below.

Spring Hill Community Primary School offers 60 places for children in Foundation. We would recommend that you apply early for a place in Spring Hill as we are a popular school in the locality. Places are filled quickly by Lancashire County Council admissions. Once places are filled the council will place your child on a waiting list. The school does not have any control over which pupils are placed at Spring Hill School.

Mid Term Admissions

Non-routine admissions are made through the Local Education Authority. The school has no control over who is, or is not, admitted to the school. You may request a school transfer from from the child's present school and submit this to Lancashire Council Admissions. This is usually done where a family has moved house and another school is closer to the new home or where a parent considers provision at another school to be more appropriate for their child. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have places for 60 children per year group and legally we cannot exceed this number. In Years 3-6 our official pupil admission number is 60 per year group, the school may exceed this for children in exceptional circumstances and this would be done through the School Appeal Procedure - Please contact the local education office for more details.

Free School Meals Information

Your child(ren) may be eligible to receive free school meals if you are in receipt of one of the following:

  • Income Support
  • Income- based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part V1 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided you are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on-paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit.
  • Universal Credit (please provide us with your Universal Credit award letter)

New Reception Starters 2024

If your child is due to start school in September 2024, please download the Transition letter 2024 to see the important dates around transition.

Files to Download