Spring Hill’s Curriculum Intent
Spring Hill offers a broad, balanced, exciting and irresistible curriculum covering all areas of the National Curriculum. Our aim is to provide a curriculum that meets the needs, interests and abilities of all our children. A curriculum which is relevant to the context of our school and the community it serves. We believe the personal development of pupils, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. We therefore aim to provide an education that provides children with opportunities to explore and develop their own values and beliefs, spiritual awareness, high standards of personal behaviour, a positive caring attitude towards other people, an understanding of their social and cultural traditions and an appreciation of the diversity and richness of other cultures and the community in which we live.
Our curriculum has been coherently planned using the National Curriculum and the Essentials Curriculum Milestones document. The Spring Hill curriculum is designed to achieve our goal of ensuring that our pupils become citizens of the future who positively contribute to society, serving their community and beyond. The curriculum aims to do this by firstly teaching and embedding the required knowledge and skills at each year group level, and then provides each child with the opportunity to apply what they have been taught. The use of Rosenshine’s Principles in learning experiences within lessons is used to help create children as leaders of learning who take risks, thrive on challenge and bounce back. We use what is known, through research, about how children learn to make the learning ‘sticky’.
The Spring Hill curriculum comprises of the core subjects – English, Mathematics, Computing (ICT) and Science. The core subjects are taught both stand alone and across other curriculum areas. The foundation subjects –Design Technology, History, Geography, Art, Music, RE, French and Physical Education are delivered through our extended curriculum. All designed to develop the distinct knowledge, skills, understanding and language of each subject. Personal, Social and Health Education and Relationships Education is also taught discretely and enhanced through our assembly programme.
We do our utmost to maximise success for all children by giving them the best teaching, learning and life experiences in an environment which recognises and nurtures unique gifts, curious minds, develops talents and personalities. The curriculum aims to provide learning experiences and opportunities which create, awe and wonder and develop a love of learning – leading to lifelong learners. This is achieved for example, through the use of trips, visitors, service and leadership opportunities. We encourage the children to take part in fun activity days such as Dot Day, World Book Day Enterprise and Eid Celebrations. Plus, many other specially themed days where the children can dress up, create projects and models and experience a totally different school day. We call this Awe and Wonder which builds children’s cultural capital.
We have a curriculum team who oversee the implementation, continuous development and improvement of our curriculum. If you require any further information please contact Mrs Wilson, Mrs Ahmed or Mrs Simmonds.